Список портов TCP и UDP

Порт/Протокол Описание
0/TCP,UDP Зарезервировано; не используется (но допустимо в качестве
значения порта источника, если отправляющий процесс не ожидает ответных
1/TCP,UDP TCPMUX, для обслуживания нескольких служб на одном и том же
TCP порту
5/TCP,UDP протокол RJE (Remote Job Entry) — обслуживает отправку файлов
и вывод отчётов при работе рабочей станции с мейнфреймами
7/TCP,UDP протокол ECHO — предназначен для тестирования связи путём
отправки данных на сервер и получения от него их же в неизменном виде
8/TCP,UDP не используется
9/TCP,UDP протокол DISCARD — предназначен для тестирования связи путём
отправки данных на сервер, который отбрасывает принятое, не отправляя
никакого ответа
порт 10 / TCP,UDP Unassigned
11/TCP,UDP протокол SYSTAT — выдаёт список активных пользователей в
операционной системе
13/TCP,UDP протокол DAYTIME — предназначен для тестирования связи путём
получения от сервера текущих даты и времени в текстовом виде
15/TCP,UDP протокол NETSTAT
17/TCP,UDP протокол QOTD (Quote of the Day)
18/TCP,UDP протокол MSP (Message Send Protocol)
19/TCP,UDP протокол CHARGEN (Character Generator)
20/TCP протокол FTP — данные
21/TCP протокол FTP — команды
22/TCP,UDP протокол SSH (Secure SHell) — применяется для безопасного
входа в систему, пересылки файлов (SCP, SFTP) и форвардинга
23/TCP,UDP протокол Telnet — применяется для передачи текстовых сообщений
в незашифрованном виде, то же, что и консоль терминала. Используется, в
частности, общеизвестной программой Гипертерминал (HyperTerminal) для Windows
и в настоящее время считается устаревшим и небезопасным
25/TCP,UDP протокол SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) — используется
для пересылки почтовых сообщений между серверами. Сообщения отправляются в
виде простого незашифрованного текста
26/TCP,UDP протокол RSFTP — простой аналог протокола FTP
35/TCP,UDP протокол приватного сервера печати
35/TCP,UDP QMS[2] Magicolor 2[3] протокол принт-сервера
37/TCP,UDP Time protocol — используется для синхронизации времени
39/TCP,UDP Resource Location Protocol[4] — протокол поиска ресурсов (RLP)
— служит для нахождения серверов, предоставляющих услуги верхнего уровня
41/TCP,UDP Graphics — используется графическими модулями некоторых
браузерных программ
42/TCP,UDP — протокол сервера имён, ARPA Host Name Server Protocol
42/TCP,UDP WINS — в настоящее время считается устаревшим. Поддержка WINS
например, в сетях на базе компьютеров с системой Windows_XP сохранена лишь
для обратной совместимости
43/TCP Протокол WHOIS
49/TCP,UDP TACACS Login Host protocol
52/TCP,UDP XNS (Xerox Network Services) Time Protocol
53/TCP,UDP Domain Name System (DNS)
54/TCP,UDP XNS (Xerox Network Services) Clearinghouse
55/TCP,UDP ISI Graphics Language
56/TCP,UDP XNS (Xerox Network Services) Authentication
56/TCP,UDP RAP (Route Access Protocol)[5]
57/TCP MTP, Mail Transfer Protocol
58/TCP,UDP XNS (Xerox Network Services) Mail
67/UDP Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) сервер BOOTP — предназначен для
сервера, с которого выполняется загрузка бездисковых рабочих станций; также
используется Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
68/UDP Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) клиент BOOTP — по этому протоколу
выполняется загрузка бездисковых рабочих станций с сервера BOOTP; также
используется Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
69/UDP Trivial File Transfer Protocol(TFTP) — тривиальный FTP — этот
протокол применяется например для развёртывания установки операционной
системы на большое количество компьютеров в сетях предприятий. Для этого
сервер TFTP и поддержка удалённого развёртывания (UAM) включены в состав
серверных ОС Windows NT4 Server и новее.
70/TCP Протокол Gopher
79/TCP Finger
80/TCP,UDP http порты Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
81/TCP Torpark—Onion routing
82/UDP Torpark—Control
83/TCP MIT ML Device
88/TCP Система аутентификации Kerberos
90/TCP,UDP dnsix (DoD Network Security for Information Exchange) Securit
Attribute Token Map
90/TCP,UDP Pointcast
101/TCP NIC host name
102/TCP ISO-TSAP (Transport Service Access Point) Class 0 protocol[6]
104/TCP DICOM (Digital Imaging and COmmunication in Medicine)
107/TCP Remote TELNET Service[7] protocol
109/TCP Post Office Protocol 2 (POP2)
110/TCP Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3)
111/TCP,UDP Sun Remote Procedure Call
113/TCP ident — старая система идентификации, до сих пор используется
в IRC серверах
113/TCP,UDP Authentication Service (auth)
115/TCP Simple File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
117/TCP UUCP Path Service
118/TCP,UDP SQL (Structured Query Language) Services
119/TCP Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) — используется для
отправки сообщений новостных рассылок
123/UDP Network Time Protocol (NTP) — используется для синхронизации
135/TCP,UDP DCE endpoint resolution
135/TCP,UDP Microsoft EPMAP (End Point Mapper), также известный как
DCE/RPC Locator service[8], используется службами удалённого обслуживания,
такими как DHCP, DNS и WINS
137/TCP,UDP NetBIOS NetBIOS Name Service
138/TCP,UDP NetBIOS NetBIOS Datagram Service
139/TCP,UDP NetBIOS NetBIOS Session Service
143/TCP,UDP Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) — используется для
получения, организации и синхронизации сообщений e-mail
152/TCP,UDP Background File Transfer Program (BFTP)[9]
153/TCP,UDP SGMP, Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol
156/TCP,UDP SQL Service
158/TCP,UDP DMSP, Distributed Mail Service Protocol
161/TCP,UDP Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
162/TCP,UDP Simple Network Management Protocol Trap (SNMPTRAP)[10]
170/TCP Print-srv, Network PostScript
179/TCP BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)
194/TCP IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
201/TCP,UDP AppleTalk Routing Maintenance
209/TCP,UDP The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol
218/TCP,UDP MPP, Message Posting Protocol
220/TCP,UDP IMAP, Interactive Mail Access Protocol, version 3
259/TCP,UDP ESRO, Efficient Short Remote Operations
264/TCP,UDP BGMP, Border Gateway Multicast Protocol
311/TCP Mac OS X Server Admin (Официально AppleShare IP Web
308/TCP Novastor Online Backup
318/TCP,UDP PKIX TSP, Time Stamp Protocol
323/TCP,UDP IMMP, Internet Message Mapping Protocol
333/TCP,UDP Служебный не зарезервированный порт
366/TCP,UDP ODMR, On-Demand Mail Relay
369/TCP,UDP Rpc2portmap
371/TCP,UDP ClearCase albd
383/TCP,UDP HP data alarm manager
384/TCP,UDP A Remote Network Server System
387/TCP,UDP AURP, AppleTalk Update-based Routing Protocol
389/TCP,UDP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
401/TCP,UDP UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)
402/TCP Altiris, Altiris Deployment Client
411/TCP Direct Connect Hub
412/TCP Direct Connect Client-to-Client
427/TCP,UDP Service Location Protocol (SLP)
443/TCP https порты HTTP поверх TLS/SSL (HTTPS)
444/TCP,UDP SNPP, Simple Network Paging Protocol
445/TCP Microsoft-DS Active Directory, Windows shares
445/UDP Microsoft-DS SMB file sharing
464/TCP,UDP Kerberos Change/Set password
465/TCP Cisco URD (URL Rendesvous Directory for SSM) mechanism
465/UDP IGMP v.3 lite — IGMP over UDP for SSM
475/TCP tcpnethaspsrv (Hasp services, TCP/IP version)
497/TCP Dantz Retrospect
500/UDP Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol
502/TCP,UDP Modbus, Protocol
512/TCP exec, Remote Process Execution
512/UDP comsat, together with biff
513/TCP Login
513/UDP Who
514/TCP Shell — выполнение неинтерактивных команд на удалённой системе
514/UDP Syslog — используется для ведения системного лога
515/TCP Line Printer Daemon—print service
517/UDP Talk
518/UDP NTalk
520/TCP efs, extended file name server
520/UDP Routing—RIP
524/TCP,UDP NCP (NetWare Core Protocol) используется для различных целей,
таких как доступ к ресурсам главного сервера NetWare, Time Synchronization, и
т. д.
525/UDP Timed, Timeserver
531/TCP,UDP AOL Instant Messenger, IRC
532/TCP netnews
533/UDP netwall, For Emergency Broadcasts
540/TCP UUCP (Unix-to-Unix Copy Protocol)
542/TCP,UDP commerce (Commerce Applications)
543/TCP klogin, Kerberos login
544/TCP kshell, Kerberos Remote shell
546/TCP,UDP DHCPv6 client
547/TCP,UDP DHCPv6 server
548/TCP Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) over TCP
550/UDP new-rwho, new-who
554/TCP,UDP Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)
556/TCP Remotefs, RFS, rfs_server
560/UDP rmonitor, Remote Monitor
561/UDP monitor
563/TCP,UDP NNTP protocol over TLS/SSL (NNTPS)
587/TCP e-mail message submission[11] (SMTP)
591/TCP FileMaker 6.0 (and later) Web Sharing (HTTP Alternate, also
see port 80)
593/TCP,UDP HTTP RPC Ep Map, Remote procedure call over Hypertext Transfer
Protocol, often used by Distributed Component Object Model services and
Microsoft Exchange Server
604/TCP TUNNEL profile[12], a protocol for BEEP peers to form an
application layer tunnel
623/UDP ASF Remote Management and Control Protocol (ASF-RMCP)
631/TCP,UDP Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)
636/TCP,UDP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol over TLS/SSL (LDAPS)
639/TCP,UDP MSDP, Multicast Source Discovery Protocol
646/TCP LDP, Label Distribution Protocol, a routing protocol used in
MPLS networks
647/TCP DHCP Failover protocol[13]
648/TCP RRP (Registry Registrar Protocol)[14]
652/TCP DTCP, Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol
654/TCP AODV (Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector)
655/TCP IEEE MMS (IEEE Media Management System)[15][16]
657/TCP,UDP IBM RMC (Remote monitoring and Control) protocol, used by
System p5 AIX Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM)[17] and Hardware
Management Console to connect managed logical partitions (LPAR) to enable
dynamic partition reconfiguration
660/TCP Mac OS X Server administration
665/TCP sun-dr, Remote Dynamic Reconfiguration
666/UDP Doom,Doom2 шутер от первого лица
674/TCP ACAP (Application Configuration Access Protocol)
691/TCP MS Exchange Routing
692/TCP Hyperwave-ISP
694/UDP Linux-HA High availability Heartbeat
695/TCP IEEE-MMS-SSL (IEEE Media Management System over SSL)[18]
698/UDP OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing)
699/TCP Access Network
700/TCP EPP (Extensible Provisioning Protocol), a protocol for
communication between domain name registries and registrars
701/TCP LMP (Link Management Protocol)[19], a protocol that runs
between a pair of nodes and is used to manage traffic engineering (TE) links
702/TCP IRIS[20][21] (Internet Registry Information Service) over BEEP
(Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol)[22]
706/TCP SILC, Secure Internet Live Conferencing
711/TCP Cisco TDP, Tag Distribution Protocol[23][24][25]—being
replaced by the MPLS Label Distribution Protocol[26]
712/TCP TBRPF, Topology Broadcast based on Reverse-Path Forwarding
routing protocol
712/UDP Promise RAID Controller
720/TCP SMQP, Simple Message Queue Protocol
749/TCP,UDP Kerberos administration
750/TCP rfile
750/UDP loadav
750/UDP kerberos-iv, Kerberos version IV
751/TCP,UDP pump
751/TCP,UDP kerberos_master, Kerberos authentication
752/TCP qrh
752/UDP qrh
752/UDP userreg_server, Kerberos Password (kpasswd) server
753/TCP Reverse Routing Header (rrh)[27]
753/UDP Reverse Routing Header (rrh)
753/UDP passwd_server, Kerberos userreg server
754/TCP tell send
754/TCP krb5_prop, Kerberos v5 slave propagation
754/UDP tell send
760/TCP,UDP ns
760/TCP,UDP krbupdate [kreg], Kerberos registration
777/TCP,UDP deth [Deth], http://Deth.org.ua registration
782/TCP Conserver serial-console management server
803/TCP Agnitum Outpost Firewall
829/TCP CMP (Certificate Management Protocol)
873/TCP rsync file synchronisation protocol
888/TCP jouflay.ru ptotocol, jouflay protocol (CDDBP)—unassigned but
widespread use
901/TCP Samba Web Administration Tool (SWAT)
902/TCP VMware Server Console[28]
904/TCP VMware Server Alternate (if 902 is in use, i.e. SUSE linux)
911/TCP Network Console on Acid (NCA)—local tty redirection over
981/TCP SofaWare Technologies Remote HTTPS management for firewall
devices running embedded Check Point FireWall-1 software
989/TCP,UDP FTP (данные) поверх TLS/SSL
990/TCP,UDP FTP (команды) поверх TLS/SSL
991/TCP,UDP NAS (Netnews Administration System)[29]
993/TCP Internet Message Access Protocol over SSL (IMAPS)
995/TCP POP3 поверх TLS/SSL (POP3S)
1023/TCP,UDP IANA Reserved
15779/TCP Joymax Co. Ltd.'s Silkroad Online's launcher server port
15780/TCP Joymax Co. Ltd.'s Silkroad Online's Game authentication port
15881 /TCP Joymax Co. Ltd.'s Silkroad Online's update download port
15883-15884 /TCP Joymax Co. Ltd.'s Silkroad Online's game world port
1024/TCP,UDP IANA Reserved
1025/TCP NFS-or-IIS
1026/TCP Often utilized by Microsoft DCOM services
1029/TCP Often utilized by Microsoft DCOM services
1058/TCP,UDP nim, IBM AIX (NIM)[30]
1059/TCP,UDP nimreg, IBM AIX (NIM)
1080/TCP SOCKS proxy
1085/TCP,UDP WebObjects
1098/TCP,UDP rmiactivation, RMI Activation
1099/TCP,UDP rmiregistry, RMI Registry
1109 IANA Reserved
1109/TCP Kerberos Post Office Protocol (KPOP)
1119 World of Warcraft MMORPG Loginserver
1140/TCP,UDP AutoNOC[31] Network Operations protocol
1167/UDP phone, conference calling
1176/TCP Perceptive Automation Indigo[32] Home automation server
1182/TCP,UDP AcceleNet Intelligent Transfer Protocol[33]
1194/TCP,UDP OpenVPN
1198/TCP,UDP The cajo project Free dynamic transparent distributed
computing in Java
1200/TCP scol, protocol used by SCOL 3D virtual worlds server to answer
world name resolution client request[34]
1200/UDP scol, protocol used by SCOL 3D virtual worlds server to answer
world name resolution client request
1200/UDP Steam Friends Applet
1214/TCP Kazaa
1220/TCP QuickTime Streaming Server administration
1223/TCP,UDP TGP, TrulyGlobal[35] Protocol, also known as «The Gur
Protocol» (named for Gur Kimchi of TrulyGlobal)
1234/UDP VLC Media Player, потоковое видео, IPTV
1241/TCP,UDP Nessus Security Scanner
1248/TCP NSClient/NSClient++/NC_Net (Nagios)
1270/TCP,UDP Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) (formerly
Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM)) agent
1311/TCP Dell Open Manage Https
1313/TCP Xbiim (Canvii server)
1337/TCP WASTE Encrypted File Sharing Program
1352/TCP IBM Lotus Notes/Domino RPC protocol[36]
1387/TCP,UDP cadsi-lm[37] (formerly Computer Aided Design Software, Inc.
1414/TCP IBM WebSphere MQ (formerly known as MQSeries)
1431/TCP Reverse Gossip Transport Protocol (RGTP)[38], used to access a
General-purpose Reverse-Ordered Gossip Gathering System (GROGGS) bulletin
board, such as that implemented on the Cambridge University's Phoenix system
1433/TCP,UDP Microsoft SQL Server — Server
1434/TCP,UDP Microsoft SQL Server — Monitor
1494/TCP Citrix XenApp Independent Computing Architecture (ICA) thin
client protocol
1512/TCP,UDP Microsoft Windows Internet Name Service (WINS)
1521/TCP nCube License Manager
1521/TCP Oracle database default listener, в будущих релизах официально
порт 2483
1524/TCP,UDP ingreslock, ingres
1526/TCP Oracle database common alternative for listener
1533/TCP IBM Sametime IM—Virtual Places Chat
1547/TCP,UDP Laplink
1550 Gadu-Gadu (direct client-to-client)
1581/UDP MIL STD 2045-47001 VMF
1589/UDP Cisco VQP (VLAN Query Protocol) / VMPS
1645/TCP,UDP radius, RADIUS authentication protocol (default for Cisco and
Juniper Networks RADIUS servers)
1646/TCP,UDP radacct, RADIUS accounting protocol (default for Cisco and
Juniper Networks RADIUS servers)
1627 iSketch
1677/TCP,UDP Novell GroupWise clients in client/server access mode
1701/UDP Layer 2 Forwarding Protocol (L2F) & Layer 2 Tunneling
Protocol (L2TP)
1716/TCP America's Army Massively multiplayer online role-playing game
1720/TCP,UDP h323hostcall (H323 VoIP calls)
1723/TCP,UDP Microsoft Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
1725/UDP Valve Steam Client
1755/TCP,UDP Microsoft Media Services (MMS, ms-streaming)
1761/TCP,UDP cft-0
1761/TCP Novell Zenworks Remote Control utility
1762—1768/TCP,UDP cft-1 to cft-7
1812/TCP,UDP radius, RADIUS authentication protocol
1813/TCP,UDP radacct, RADIUS accounting protocol
1863/TCP MSNP (Microsoft Notification Protocol), used by the .NET
Messenger Service and a number of Instant Messaging clients
1900/UDP Microsoft SSDP Enables discovery of UPnP devices
1935/TCP Adobe Macromedia Flash Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP)
«plain» protocol
1947/TCP HASP SRM Работа и с сетевым, и с локальным ключами HASP
происходит через локальный демон или службу по TCP/1947
1970/TCP,UDP Danware NetOp[39] Remote Control
1971/TCP,UDP Danware NetOp School
1972/TCP,UDP InterSystems Caché
1975—1977/UDP Cisco TCO[40]
1984/TCP Big Brother—network monitoring tool
1985/UDP Cisco HSRP
1994/TCP,UDP Cisco STUN-SDLC (Serial Tunneling—Synchronous Data Link
Control) protocol
1998/TCP,UDP Cisco X.25 over TCP (XOT) service
2000/TCP,UDP Cisco SCCP (Skinny)
2002/TCP Secure Access Control Server (ACS) for Windows
2030 Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server
2031/TCP,UDP mobrien-chat—obsolete[41]
2041/TCP Mail.ru Агент communication protocol
2042/TCP Mail.ru Агент communication protocol
2049/UDP Network File System
2049/UDP shilp
2053/UDP lot105-ds-upd Lot105 DSuper Updates
2053/TCP lot105-ds-upd Lot105 DSuper Updates
2053/TCP knetd Kerberos de-multiplexor
2056/UDP Civilization 4 multiplayer
2073/TCP,UDP DataReel Database
2074/TCP,UDP Vertel VMF SA (то есть App. SpeakFreely)
2080/TCP,UDP Autodesk license daemon
2082/TCP Infowave Mobility Server
2082/TCP CPanel default
2083/TCP Secure Radius Service (radsec)
2083/TCP CPanel default SSL
2086/TCP GNUnet
2086/TCP WebHost Manager default
2087/TCP WebHost Manager default SSL
2095/TCP CPanel default Web mail
2096/TCP CPanel default SSL Web mail
2102/TCP,UDP zephyr-srv Project Athena Zephyr Notification Service server
2103/TCP,UDP zephyr-clt Project Athena Zephyr Notification Service serv-hm
2104/TCP,UDP zephyr-hm Project Athena Zephyr Notification Service
2105/TCP,UDP IBM MiniPay
2105/TCP,UDP eklogin Kerberos encrypted remote login (rlogin)
2105/TCP,UDP zephyr-hm-srv Project Athena Zephyr Notification Service
hm-serv connection (should use port 2102)
2106/TCP Lineage2 AUTH port (default)
2161/TCP APC Agent
2181/TCP,UDP EForward-document transport system
2190/UDP TiVoConnect Beacon
2200/UDP Tuxanci game server[42]
2219/TCP,UDP NetIQ NCAP Protocol
2220/TCP,UDP NetIQ End2End
2222/TCP DirectAdmin default
2222/UDP Microsoft Office OS X antipiracy network monitor[43]
2301/TCP HP System Management Redirect to port 2381
2302/UDP ArmA multiplayer (default for game)
2302/UDP Halo: Combat Evolved multiplayer
2303/UDP ArmA multiplayer (default for server reporting) (default port
for game +1)
2305/UDP ArmA multiplayer (default for VoN) (default port for game +3)
2369/TCP Default for BMC Software CONTROL-M/Server—Configuration Agent,
though often changed during installation
2370/TCP Default for BMC Software CONTROL-M/Server—to allow the
CONTROL-M/Enterprise Manager to connect to the CONTROL-M/Server, though often
changed during installation
2381/TCP HP Insight Manager default for Web server
2404/TCP IEC 60870-5-104, used to send electric power telecontrol
messages between two systems via directly connected data circuits
2427/UDP Cisco MGCP
2428/TCP Cisco MGCP
2447/TCP,UDP ovwdb — OpenView Network Node Manager (NNM) daemon
2483/TCP,UDP Oracle database listening for unsecure client connections to
the listener, replaces port 1521
2484/TCP,UDP Oracle database listening for SSL client connections to the
2546/TCP,UDP Vytal Vault—Data Protection Services
2593/TCP,UDP RunUO — Ultima Online server
2594/TCP,UDP Old Paradise — Ultima Online server
2598/TCP new ICA—when Session Reliability is enabled, TCP port 2598
replaces port 1494
2612/TCP,UDP QPasa from MQSoftware
2710/TCP XBT Bittorrent Tracker
2710/UDP XBT Bittorrent Tracker experimental UDP tracker extension
2710/TCP Knuddels.de
2735/TCP,UDP NetIQ Monitor Console
2809/TCP corbaloc: iiop URL, per the CORBA 3.0.3 specification
2809/TCP IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Bootstrap/rmi default
2809/UDP corbaloc: iiop URL, per the CORBA 3.0.3 specification.
2944/UDP Megaco Text H.248
2945/UDP Megaco Binary (ASN.1) H.248
2948/TCP,UDP WAP-push Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
2949/TCP,UDP WAP-pushsecure Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
2967/TCP Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition
2992/UDP Игра Владыки Астрала
3000/TCP Miralix License server
3000/UDP Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS), modifiable default
3001/TCP Miralix Phone Monitor
3002/TCP Miralix CSTA
3003/TCP Miralix GreenBox API
3004/TCP Miralix InfoLink
3006/TCP Miralix SMS Client Connector
3007/TCP Miralix OM Server
3025/TCP netpd.org
3030/TCP NetPanzer
3030/UDP NetPanzer
3034/TCP Plain Manager Port BlueCoat ProxySG services
3036/TCP Secure Manager Port BlueCoat ProxySG services
3050/TCP,UDP gds_db (СУБД Interbase/Firebird)
3074/TCP,UDP Xbox Live
3128/TCP HTTP used by Web caches and the default for the Squid cache
& Kerio Winroute Firewall
3260/TCP,UDP iSCSI target
3268/TCP,UDP msft-gc, Microsoft Global Catalog (LDAP service which contains
data from Active Directory forests)
3269/TCP,UDP msft-gc-ssl, Microsoft Global Catalog over SSL (similar to
port 3268, LDAP over SSL)
3283/TCP Apple Remote Desktop reporting (officially Net Assistant,
referring to an earlier product)
3300/TCP TripleA game server
3305/TCP,UDP odette-ftp, Odette File Transfer Protocol (OFTP)
3306/TCP,UDP Система управления базами данных MySQL
3306/TCP,UDP Система управления базами данных MS SQL
3307/TCP,UDP Система управления базами данных MySQL (возможно выбирать до
3309, рекомендуется любой кроме 3306, из-за конфликта с MS SQL)
3333/TCP Network Caller ID server
3386/TCP,UDP GTP' 3GPP GSM/UMTS CDR logging protocol
3389/TCP Microsoft Terminal Server (RDP) Официально зарегистрировано
как Windows Based Terminal (WBT)
3396/TCP,UDP Novell NDPS Printer Agent
3455/TCP,UDP [RSVP] Reservation Protocol
3544/UDP протокол Teredo
3632/TCP distributed compiler
3689/TCP Digital Audio Access Protocol (DAAP)—used by Apple’s iTunes
and AirPort Express
3690/TCP,UDP Subversion version control system
3702/TCP,UDP Web Services Dynamic Discovery (WS-Discovery), используется
некоторыми компонентами Windows Vista
3724/TCP,UDP World of Warcraft Online gaming MMORPG
3784/TCP,UDP Ventrilo VoIP program used by Ventrilo
3785/UDP Ventrilo VoIP program used by Ventrilo
3868/TCP DIAMETER base protocol
3872/TCP Oracle Management Remote Agent
3899/TCP RAdmin
3900/TCP udt_os, IBM UniData UDT OS[44]
3945/TCP,UDP EMCADS service, a Giritech product used by G/On
3949/TCP,UDP OER communications — Optimized Edge Routing
4000/TCP,UDP Diablo II game
4007/TCP PrintBuzzer printer monitoring socket server
4080/TCP,UDP Kerio Control Administration
4081/TCP,UDP Secured Kerio Control Administration
4089/TCP,UDP OpenCORE Remote Control Service
4090/TCP,UDP Kerio VPN
4093/TCP,UDP PxPlus Client server interface ProvideX
4096/TCP,UDP Bridge-Relay Element ASCOM
4100 WatchGuard Authentication Applet—default
4111/TCP Xgrid
4111/TCP Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server administration
4125/TCP Microsoft Remote Web Workplace administration
4226/TCP,UDP Aleph One (игра)
4224/TCP Cisco CDP Cisco discovery Protocol
4500/UDP IPsec NAT traversal
4569/UDP Inter-Asterisk eXchange
4662/TCP,UDP OrbitNet Message Service
4662/TCP often used by eMule
4664/TCP Google Desktop Search
4672/UDP eMule—often used
4747/TCP Apprentice
4750/TCP BladeLogic Agent
4894/TCP,UDP LysKOM Protocol A
4899/TCP,UDP RAdmin—программа для удаленного управления
4900/TCP,UDP Kommute—файлообменный клиент
5000/TCP commplex-main
5000/TCP UPnP—Windows network device interoperability
5000/TCP,UDP VTun—VPN Software
5001/TCP commplex-link
5001/TCP,UDP Iperf (Tool for measuring TCP and UDP bandwidth performance)
5001/TCP Slingbox and Slingplayer
5003/TCP,UDP FileMaker
5004/TCP,UDP RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) media data
5005/TCP,UDP RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) control protocol
5031/TCP,UDP AVM CAPI-over-TCP (ISDN over Ethernet tunneling)
5050/TCP Yahoo! Messenger
5050/TCP NatICQ getway (шлюз между пользователем клиента NatICQ и
системой мгновенных сообщений ICQ)
5051/TCP ita-agent Symantec Intruder Alert[45]
5060/TCP,UDP Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
5061/TCP Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) over TLS
5093/UDP SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) License
5104/TCP IBM Tivoli Framework NetCOOL/Impact[46] HTTP Service
5106/TCP A-Talk Common connection
5107/TCP A-Talk Remote server connection
5110/TCP ProRat Server
5121/TCP Neverwinter Nights
5154/TCP,UDP BZFlag
5176/TCP ConsoleWorks default UI interface
5190/TCP ICQ and AOL Instant Messenger
5222/TCP Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP, Jabber)
client connection
5223/TCP Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP, Jabber)
client connection over SSL
5269/TCP Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP, Jabber)
server connection
5298/TCP,UDP Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) link-local
5351/TCP,UDP NAT Port Mapping Protocol—client-requested configuration for
inbound connections through network address translators
5353/UDP Multicast DNS (MDNS)
5355/TCP,UDP LLMNR—Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution, allows hosts to
perform name resolution for hosts on the same local link (only provided by
Windows Vista and Server 2008)
5402/TCP,UDP mftp, Stratacache OmniCast[47] content delivery system MFTP
file sharing protocol
5405/TCP,UDP NetSupport
5421/TCP,UDP NetSupport 2
5432/TCP,UDP PostgreSQL
5445/UDP Cisco Unified Video Advantage
5495/TCP Applix TM1 Admin server
5498/TCP Hotline tracker server connection
5499/UDP Hotline tracker server discovery
5500/TCP VNC remote desktop protocol—for incoming listening viewer,
Hotline control connection
5501/TCP Hotline file transfer connection
5517/TCP Setiqueue Proxy server client for SETI@Home project
5555/TCP Freeciv versions up to 2.0, Hewlett Packard Data Protector,
5556/TCP,UDP Freeciv
5631/TCP pcANYWHEREdata, Symantec pcAnywhere (version 7.52 and
later[48])[49] data
5632/UDP pcANYWHEREstat, Symantec pcAnywhere (version 7.52 and later)
5666/TCP NRPE (Nagios)
5667/TCP NSCA (Nagios)
5800/TCP VNC remote desktop protocol—for use over HTTP
5814/TCP,UDP Hewlett-Packard Support Automation (HP OpenView Self-Healing
5900/TCP,UDP Virtual Network Computing (VNC) remote desktop protocol (used
by Apple Remote Desktop and others)
5938/TCP,UDP TeamViewer[50] remote desktop protocol
5984/TCP,UDP CouchDB database server
6000/TCP X11—used between an X client and server over the network
6001/UDP X11—used between an X client and server over the network
6005/TCP Default for BMC Software CONTROL-M/Server—Socket used for
communication between CONTROL-M processes—though often changed during
6014/TCP,UDP Autodesk license daemon
6050/TCP Brightstor Arcserve Backup
6051/TCP Brightstor Arcserve Backup
6086/TCP PDTP—FTP like file server in a P2P network
6100/TCP Vizrt System
6110/TCP,UDP softcm, HP Softbench CM
6111/TCP,UDP spc, HP Softbench Sub-Process Control
6112/TCP,UDP «dtspcd»—a network daemon that accepts requests from clients
to execute commands and launch applications remotely
6112/TCP Blizzard's Battle.net gaming service, ArenaNet gaming service
6113-6119 World of Warcraft MMORPG Realmservers
6129/TCP Dameware Remote Control
6257/UDP WinMX (see also 6699)
6346/TCP,UDP gnutella-svc, Gnutella (FrostWire, Limewire, Shareaza, etc.)
6347/TCP,UDP gnutella-rtr, Gnutella alternate
6444/TCP,UDP Sun Grid Engine—Qmaster Service
6445/TCP,UDP Sun Grid Engine—Execution Service
6502/TCP,UDP Danware Data NetOp Remote Control
6522/TCP Gobby (and other libobby-based software)
6543/UDP Paradigm Research & Development Jetnet[51] default
6566/TCP SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) — SANE network scanner daemon
6600/TCP Music Player Daemon (MPD)
6619/TCP,UDP odette-ftps, Odette File Transfer Protocol (OFTP) over TLS/SSL
6665-6669/TCP IRC
6679/TCP IRC SSL (Secure Internet Relay Chat) — often used
6697/TCP IRC SSL (Secure Internet Relay Chat) — often used
6699/TCP WinMX (see also 6257)
6771/UDP Polycom server broadcast
6881-6887/TCP,UDP BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
6888/TCP,UDP BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
6889-6890/TCP,UDP BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
6891-6900/TCP,UDP BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
6891-6900/TCP,UDP Windows Live Messenger (File transfer)
6901/TCP,UDP Windows Live Messenger (Voice)
6901/TCP,UDP BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
6902-6968/TCP,UDP BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
6969/TCP,UDP acmsoda
6969/TCP BitTorrent tracker
6970-6999/TCP,UDP BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
7000/TCP Default for Azureus's built in HTTPS Bittorrent Tracker
7001/TCP Default for BEA WebLogic Server's HTTP server, though often
changed during installation
7002/TCP Default for BEA WebLogic Server's HTTPS server, though often
changed during installation
7005/TCP,UDP Default for BMC Software CONTROL-M/Server and
CONTROL-M/Agent—Agent-to-Server, though often changed during installation
7006/TCP,UDP Default for BMC Software CONTROL-M/Server and
CONTROL-M/Agent—Server-to-Agent, though often changed during installation
7010/TCP Default for Cisco AON AMC (AON Management Console)[52]
7025/TCP Zimbra LMTP [mailbox] — local mail delivery
7047/TCP Zimbra conversion server
7071/TCP Zimbra Administration Console — по протоколу HTTPS
7133/TCP Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
7171/TCP Tibia
7306/TCP Zimbra mysql [mailbox]
7307/TCP Zimbra mysql [logger]
7312/UDP Sibelius License Server
7670/TCP BrettspielWelt BSW Boardgame Portal
7777/TCP iChat server file transfer proxy
7777/TCP Game port for Unreal Engine based games (Lineage, Unreal
Tournament, etc) (default)
7777/TCP Terraria multiplayer default port
7777/TCP Default used by Windows backdoor program tini.exe
7831/TCP Default used by Smartlaunch Internet Cafe Administration[53]
8000/TCP,UDP iRDMI (Intel Remote Desktop Management
Interface)[54]—sometimes erroneously used instead of port 8080
8000/TCP Commonly used for internet radio streams such as those using
8000/TCP Commonly used for internet radio streams such as those using
8002/TCP Cisco Systems Unified Call Manager Intercluster
8008/TCP HTTP Alternate
8008/TCP IBM HTTP Server administration default
8010/TCP XMPP/Jabber File transfers
8074/TCP Gadu-Gadu
8080/TCP HTTP alternate (http_alt)—commonly used for Web proxy and
caching server, or for running a Web server as a non-root user
8080/TCP Apache Tomcat
8086/TCP HELM Web Host Automation Windows Control Panel
8086/TCP Kaspersky AV Control Center
8087/TCP Hosting Accelerator Control Panel
8087/UDP Kaspersky AV Control Center
8090/TCP Another HTTP Alternate (http_alt_alt)—used as an alternative
to port 8080
8087/TCP SW Soft Plesk Control Panel
8118/TCP Privoxy—advertisement-filtering Web proxy
8172/TCP Служба веб-управления IIS
8200/TCP GoToMyPC
8220/TCP Bloomberg
8222 VMware Server Management User Interface (insecure Web
interface)[55]. See also port 8333
8291/TCP Winbox—Default on a MikroTik RouterOS for a Windows
application used to administer MikroTik RouterOS
8294/TCP Bloomberg
8303/UDP Teeworlds Game
8333 VMware Server Management User Interface (secure Web
interface)[55]. See also port 8222
8400/TCP,UDP cvp, Commvault Unified Data Management
8443/TCP SW Soft Plesk Control Panel
8500/TCP ColdFusion Macromedia/Adobe ColdFusion default
8501/UDP Duke Nukem 3D—default
8585/TCP Tensor GDP—default
8767/UDP TeamSpeak—default
8840 Opera Unite по умолчанию
8880/UDP cddbp-alt, CD DataBase (CDDB) protocol (CDDBP) alternate
8880/TCP cddbp-alt, CD DataBase (CDDB) protocol (CDDBP) alternate
8880/TCP WebSphere Application Server SOAP connector default
8881/TCP Atlasz Informatics Research Ltd Secure Application Server
8882/TCP Atlasz Informatics Research Ltd Secure Application Server
8888/TCP,UDP NewsEDGE server
8888/TCP Sun Answerbook dwhttpd server (deprecated)[56]
8888/TCP GNUmp3d HTTP music streaming and Web interface
8888/TCP LoLo Catcher HTTP Web interface (www.optiform.com)
9000/TCP Buffalo LinkSystem Web access
9000/TCP DBGp
9000/UDP UDPCast
9001 cisco-xremote router configuration
9001 Tor network default
9001/TCP DBGp Proxy
9009/TCP,UDP Pichat Server—Peer to peer chat software
9043/TCP WebSphere Application Server Administration Console secure
9060/TCP WebSphere Application Server Administration Console
9080/UDP glrpc, Groove Collaboration software GLRPC
9080/TCP glrpc, Groove Collaboration software GLRPC
9080/TCP WebSphere Application Server Http Transport (port 1) default
9090/TCP Openfire Administration Console
9100/TCP JetDirect HP Print Services
9110/UDP SSMP Message protocol
9101 Bacula Director
9102 Bacula File Daemon
9103 Bacula Storage Daemon
9119/TCP,UDP MXit Instant Messenger
9418/TCP,UDP git, Git pack transfer service
9535/TCP mngsuite, LANDesk Management Suite Remote Control
9535/TCP BBOS001, IBM Websphere Application Server (WAS) High Avail Mgr
9443/TCP WebSphere Application Server Http Transport (port 2) default
9535/UDP mngsuite, LANDesk Management Suite Remote Control
9800/TCP,UDP WebDAV Source
9800 WebCT e-learning portal
9999 Hydranode—edonkey2000 TELNET control
9999/TCP Lantronix UDS-10/UDS100[57] RS-485 to Ethernet Converter
TELNET control
9999 Urchin Web Analytics
10000 Webmin—Web-based Linux admin tool
10000 BackupExec
10001/TCP Lantronix UDS-10/UDS100[58] RS-485 to Ethernet Converter
10008/TCP,UDP Octopus Multiplexer, primary port for the CROMP protocol[59],
which provides a platform-independent means for communication of objects
across a network
10017 AIX,NeXT, HPUX—rexd daemon control
10024/TCP Zimbra smtp [mta]—to amavis from postfix
10025/TCP Ximbra smtp [mta]—back to postfix from amavis
10050/TCP,UDP Zabbix-Agent
10051/TCP,UDP Zabbix-Trapper
10113/TCP,UDP NetIQ Endpoint
10114/TCP,UDP NetIQ Qcheck
10115/TCP,UDP NetIQEndpoint
10116/TCP,UDP NetIQ VoIP Assessor
10200/TCP FRISK Software International's fpscand virus scanning daemon
for Unix platforms[60]
10200-10204/TCP FRISK Software International’s f-protd virus scanning daemon
for Unix platforms[61]
10308 Lock-on: Modarn Air Combat
10480 SWAT 4 Dedicated Server
11211 memcached
11235 Savage:Battle for Newerth Server Hosting
11294 Blood Quest Online Server
11371 OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver
11576 IPStor Server management communication
12035/UDP Linden Lab[62] viewer to sim
12345 NetBus—remote administration tool (often Trojan horse). Also
used by NetBuster. Little Fighter 2 (TCP).
12975/TCP LogMeIn Hamachi (VPN tunnel software; also port 32976)—used to
connect to Mediation Server (bibi.hamachi.cc); UDP port 17771; will attempt
to use SSL (TCP port 443) if both 12975 & 32976 fail to connect
13000-13050/UDP Linden Lab viewer to sim
13720/TCP,UDP Symantec NetBackup — bprd (formerly VERITAS)
13721/TCP,UDP Symantec NetBackup — bpdbm (formerly VERITAS)
13724/TCP,UDP Symantec Network Utility — vnetd (formerly VERITAS)
13782/TCP,UDP Symantec NetBackup — bpcd (formerly VERITAS)
13783/TCP,UDP Symantec VOPIED protocol (formerly VERITAS)
13785/TCP,UDP Symantec NetBackup Database — nbdb (formerly VERITAS)
13786/TCP,UDP Symantec nomdb (formerly VERITAS)
14147/TCP FileZilla Server admin interface
14567/UDP Battlefield 1942 and mods
15000/TCP psyBNC
15000/TCP Wesnoth
15000/TCP hydap, Hypack Hydrographic Software Packages Data Acquisition
15000/UDP hydap, Hypack Hydrographic Software Packages Data Acquisition
15567/UDP Battlefield Vietnam and mods
15345/TCP,UDP XPilot Contact
16000/TCP shroudBNC
16080/TCP Mac OS X Server Web (HTTP) service with performance cache[63]
16384/UDP Iron Mountain Digital online backup
16567/UDP Battlefield 2 and mods
18158/TCP Trend Micro OfficeScan
18390/TCP,UDP Battlefield: Bad Company 2
19226/TCP Panda Software AdminSecure Communication Agent
19638/TCP Ensim Control Panel
19813/TCP 4D database Client Server Communication
20000 DNP (Distributed Network Protocol), a protocol used in SCADA
systems between communicating RTU's and IED's
20000 Usermin, Web-based user tool
20720/TCP Symantec i3 Web GUI server
22004/TCP,UDP Порт сервера MTA Deathmatch
22347/TCP,UDP WibuKey, WIBU-SYSTEMS AG Software protection system[64]
22350/TCP,UDP CodeMeter, WIBU-SYSTEMS AG Software protection system[65]
24554/TCP,UDP BINKP, Fidonet mail transfers over TCP/IP
24800 Synergy: keyboard/mouse sharing software
24842 StepMania: Online: Dance Dance Revolution Simulator
25565 Minecraft
25666/TCP Doom 2D Multiplayer 0.6
25667/UDP Doom 2D Multiplayer 0.6
25999/TCP Xfire
26000/TCP,UDP id Software's Quake server
26000/TCP CCP's EVE Online Online gaming MMORPG
27000/UDP (through 27006) id Software's QuakeWorld master server
27000-27009/TCP,UDP Autodesk license daemon
27010 Half-Life и его моды, такие как Counter-Strike
27015 Half-Life и его моды, такие как Counter-Strike
27018 Запущенный steam
27374 Sub7 default. Most script kiddies do not change from this.
27500/UDP (through 27900) id Software's QuakeWorld
27888/UDP Kaillera server
27900 (through 27901) Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
27901/UDP (through 27910) id Software's Quake II master server
27960/UDP (through 27969) Activision's Enemy Territory and id Software’s
Quake III Arena and Quake III and some ioquake3 derived games
28910 Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
28960 Call of Duty 2 Common Call of Duty 2 (PC Version)
28961 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Common Call of Duty 4 (PC
29000 Perfect world online gaming mmorpg
29900 Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
29920 Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
30000 Pokemon Netbattle
30564/TCP Multiplicity: keyboard/mouse/clipboard sharing software
31337/TCP Back Orifice — средство для удаленного администрирования
(часто троянская программа)
31337/TCP xc0r3 security
31415 ThoughtSignal—Server Communication Service (often
31456-31458/TCP TetriNET (in order: IRC, game, and spectating)
32245/TCP MMTSG-mutualed через MMT (зашифрованная передача)
32976/TCP LogMeIn Hamachi (программа создания VPN соединения; также порт
12975) — используется для подключения к Mediation Server (bibi.hamachi.cc);
будет пытаться использовать SSL (TCP port 443) если оба порта 12975 и 32976
не позволят установить соединение
33434/TCP,UDP traceroute
34443 Linksys PSUS4 print server
37777/TCP Digital Video Recorder hardware
36963 Counter-Strike 2D multiplayer (2D-клон популярной игры
40000/TCP,UDP SafetyNET p Real-time Industrial Ethernet protocol
43594-43595/TCP RuneScape
47808/TCP,UDP BACnet Building Automation and Control Networks
49151 Зарезервировано IANA
55777/UDP ViPNet
О статье

Автор: Владимир Корниенков

Дата публикации: Вторник, сентября 11, 2018